Justice, Peace and Integrity of Creation (JPIC)

Understanding JPIC


The Justice, Peace, and Integrity of Creation (JPIC) Commission has its roots in the Pastoral Constitution Gaudium et Spes No 90: “The (II Vatican) Council… considers it most opportune that an organism of the Church should be created whose function would be to promote everywhere the work of justice and the love of Christ for the poor” (G.S. N.90. 1965). After II Vatican Council many commissions of Justice and Peace were created in the Church, specially at Diocesan level and at Religious Life level.

The General Government of the Claretians created in 1978, under the Prefecture of Apostolate, a Commission of Justice and Peace. Some years later, this commission became a Secretariat under the General Government. Slowly, this service was being accepted into the Provinces organizations (Cf. Gustavo Alonso, Misioneros Claretianos III. La renovación conciliar. Pg. 220).

In 1982 the General Superiors Conferences (USG-UISG) jointly established the JPIC commission “to bring about greater awareness, clearer analysis and more effective action on justice, peace and the integrity of creation. Its preferential option is for the poor”.

In 1997, the declaration of the XXII General Chapter, “In Prophetic Mission”, said: “The General Government will renew the Secretariat of Justice and Peace by incorporating in it a concern for ecology, and it will strive to animate this dimension in our ministry.” (IPM N.50.3).

The Claretian Directory, in the 2011 edition, speaks about the establishment of a Secretariat for Justice, Peace and the Integrity of Creation (JPIC), making official in the congregation this terminology (CMF Directory N.113).

In 2014, the Claretian Encounter of JPIC & Solidarity, held in Vic, proposed the creation of a structure called “Solidarity and Mission”. This structure is under the Prefecture of Apostolate and has two areas of Work: the area of JPIC and the area of Mission Procure. That meeting decided that “the work at UN and other Forums” are included in the area of JPIC, and the work of “PROCLADE, similar organizations and international volunteers” will be included in the area of Mission Procure.

In 2016 the Vatican created the Dicastery for the service of Integral Human Development. But still its statutes (Article 1, paragraph 2) states that this area promotes values related to Justice, Peace and care for Creation in the light of the Gospel and the tradition of the Social Doctrine of the Church.

In 2021, the exhortation of the XXVI General Chapter, “Querida Congregación”, commits to “Consolidate the structure and objectives of Solidarity and Mission in each Major organism within the overall project of the congregational framework.”

Definition of JPIC

What is JPIC? JPIC is a Secretariat to be established by “the General Government for the whole congregation and the Governments of Provinces and Independent Delegations, within their respective competence” (Dir 113), that “assists the Major Organisms in making the work of evangelization prophetic and liberating, from the perspective of the poor and needy (cf. Dir 113), brings Catholic Social Teachings closer to the Congregation and promotes commitment to justice, peace, reconciliation, human dignity and human rights.” (SOMI Congregational Framework 27) In harmony with the whole church, JPIC has progressively considered the importance of caring for Creation, integrating the ecological dimension and promotes Laudato Si’ Goals (Cf SOMI CF 29)

Why do we need JPIC in our Congregation? “In solidarity with the sufferings and anguish of humanity, imitating Jesus´preference for the poor, answering the call of the Church and following the example of the Founder, we wish to bring to all people the message of salvation, proclaimed from the perspective of the poor and needy, who constitute the greater part of humanity.”(Dir 113) “Claretians, as the Pope invited us, cannot be satisfied with looking from a distance the dramas that humanity and the planet are living. On the contrary, we feel called to advocate and raise our voice to denounce everything that threatens life (cf. QC 83).” (SOMI Congregational Framework, 27)

How does JPIC work? “In all areas of congregational life (spirituality, formation, economy, styles of government, community life…) and of its apostolic action, the issues of Solidarity and Mission must have a relevant and effective presence. SOMI is a transversal issue, as it is already confirmed in many documents of the chapters and assemblies of the Major Organisms, action plans, and personal and community projects. Issues of Solidarity and Mission must be present in all our ministries (parishes and churches, education projects, itinerant preaching, media platforms, consecrated life institutes, publishing houses…). Catechesis and preaching must give SOMI more importance every day (cf. FT 86).” (SOMI CF 38)

SOMI Congregational Framework

JPIC is an area of SOMI mechanism, and works as a team with Mission Procure and with the CMF Team at UN. (Cf SOMI CF 1) “In close coordination with Claretians at UN, the JPIC Secretariat promotes Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), and creates awareness of the public impact of our behaviour, words and silences. Also, in coordination with the General Mission Procure, JPIC Secretariat promotes integral development projects and collaboration between Global North and Global South to empower the areas most neglected and more affected by the triple planetary crisis.” (SOMI CF 28) All together, work for the Solidarity and Mission mechanism, contributing each one with its specific roles and functions.

JPIC Specific Roles and Functions

  1. Analysing social issues and challenges, to find out the truth and the roots that originate them.
  2. Raising awareness in the light of the Gospel, following the STC (Social Teaching of the Church) and promoting the SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals) and LSGs (Laudato Sì Goals).
  3. Providing resources and opportunities for the initial and ongoing formation of Claretians, while collaborating with the Claretian Family, the Claretian Volunteers and the laity in general.
  4. Networking at Claretian level and with other organisations, sharing experiences and data.
  5. Engaging in advocacy networks (Prophetic Actions) at local, national and continental level, and through our team at UN at international level.
  6. To carry out these functions the General Secretariat of JPIC advices the creation of Commissions of JPIC in all our positions and/or at organism level, according to the possibilities and traditions of every organism and conference.




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