Dear brothers and sisters, As you know, the population of eastern DRC has been suffering for three decades from a war waged by more than 100 armed groups in the provinces of Sud Kivu, Nord Kivu and Ituri, a region rich in agricultural products and mineral resources....
Sri Lanka’s Deadly Floods Reported by Mission Procure, St. Joseph Vaz Independent Delegation, Sri Lanka A potential deep depression over the Southeastern and Southwestern Bay of Bengal has brought severe weather across much of Sri Lanka, especially, intensifying...
Hunger Crisis in Zhomba Mission, Gokwe, Zimbabwe.
The people of Zhomba Mission in Gokwe—a region spanning the territories of three chiefs, Nenyunga, Simuchembo, and Madzivazvido—are facing an acute hunger crisis. Already marginalized economically and socially, the approximately 40,000 residents, who rely mainly on...
The key word to understand the Bolivian reality before and after the militarization (coup d'état) of the government house on 26 June is "uncertainty". It is important to comment on the situation in Bolivia when this event began; there was already a context of...
Reject Finance Bill 2024 and Not Amend It
Kenyans Gen Z speaks out; a voice rised out into a peaceful protest. The protests started on June 18, 2024. In Peaceful demonstrations, the Gen zs’ were airing out their dissatisfaction with the government. They were calling upon the MPs to reject the finance bill...
Message to Claretian communities on the situation in the East of our country
Dear brothers and sisters, Greetings of peace from Kinshasa, DR Congo. We want to share with you what is happening in the east of our country. Surely you have heard that the armed conflict in the provinces of Ituri, Sud Kivu and Nord Kivu has worsened. The M23...